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The difference between Hemp and Marijuana

 Both industrial Hemp and Marijuana come from the same genus: cannabis. Cannabis is believed to be one of the oldest domesticated crops in the world. These plants were bred with other plants with the same characteristics, leading to the type of cannabis we now know as hemp. As well as other plants that were recognized for being psychoactive and they were bred selectively for medical and religious purposes. This led to unique varieties of cannabis that we now know as marijuana. There are 3 main species of Cannabis (Marijuana): Cannabis sativa, (high levels of THC), Cannabis Indica (higher in CBD than THC) and Cannabis ruderalis (low levels of THC).

Hemp and marijuana are grown for different uses, and therefore require different growing conditions. Marijuana is grown to produce female flowering plants that yield budding flowers at the flowering stage of their life cycle. It’s the buds that are used to get a person ‘high’. In contrast, hemp plants are primarily male, without flowering buds. Centuries of selective breeding have resulted in generally low concentrations of THC, and tall, fast growing plants. Achieving maximum THC levels in marijuana is tricky and requires close attention to grow-room conditions. Marijuana growers usually aim to maintain stable light, temperature, humidity, CO2 and oxygen levels, among other things. While, hemp is usually grown outdoors to maximize its size and yield and less attention is paid to individual plants.

While these plants are literally weeds, humans have been cultivating them for hundreds of years for specific outcomes such as medicines, food, clothing and other products. Genetic alterations changed the plants to accommodate consumer demand for higher THC content and CBD almost disappeared from the basic gene pool. Now recently genetic changes again have been made and CBD-rich strains are now easily accessible. Industrial Hemp has been specifically cultivated to produce minimal levels of THC.  You can’t get ‘high’ off industrial hemp, but you can make oils, waxes, resins, hemp seed foods, clothing and more from it.  Please note that pharmaceutical researchers are also making a synthetic cannabinoid, this is NOT good for you, this is NOT natural.



 CBD stands for Cannabidiol.  CBD is a non-psychotropic compound. Cannabidiols are the chemicals that trigger the cannabinoid and other receptors in the brain and body.  There are two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 (primarily in the brain, liver, kidneys, and lungs). And CB2 (mainly in the immune system). This makes up what is known as the endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate memory, appetite, pain sensation, mood, sleep and more… Already you are seeing that the CBD is not designed to make you high.  Its designed to heal… CBD influences a wide range of receptor systems in all of these areas and helps the system to operate in a more optimal fashion. It asks the CB1 and CB2 receptors to regulate or delay certain chemicals from reaching areas or inhibiting enzymes from breaking down. Thus helping to reduce pain, or inflammation, etc…

CBD is non-toxic, non-euphoric (you don’t feel or get stoned). Limited scientific study has shown that CBD can be therapeutic for many conditions including, but not limited to rheumatoid arthritis.  CBD has strong anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasm, anti-convulsant, anti-psychotic, anti-tumoral, neuro-protective properties and more.  CBD directly activates serotonin receptors in the brain, which helps with depression. CBD helps with chronic pain, cancer, anxiety, diabetes, epilepsy, seizures, PTSD, and so much more.   Studies have found that children with Dravet or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (forms of epilepsy), which don’t usually respond to typical antiseizure medications, has been effective in these situations to reduce or stop the seizures completely.

Sadly, more research needs to be done to test the effectiveness of CBD for many other diseases and issues.  The best thing that you can do, is let your physician know that you are using a CBD based product.  Take it to them when you go…explain that you are using it for this, that, or the other thing. Explain what benefits you are receiving, how it has helped you.  Help them so they might be able to help someone else.



 Legally a person selling CBD should sell you a product that contains less than .03% THC. They should list on their products what percentage they are selling you, listed in mg or the percentage, or both.   You should also have access to a copy of the certificate of analysis from the lab that the product came from. Without this you have no clue what you're buying.



 Unfortunately, there are a very large number of companies out there who are cheating you out of the healing capability of CBD and because they are putting such an insignificant amount into the product, you are not receiving any benefit.  Gas station products are on the list of items that have little to no CBD in them at all. Some products may contain ‘other’ (unknown) elements that can be toxic. Read the label, ask questions. Get what you are paying for.

The right treatment and amount of CBD taken is dependent on the person.  No two people are alike.  No two metabolisms are alike. No two conditions are alike. Self-dosing to find your optimal level has been the safest way to go, considering the lack of toxicity in CBD. You can begin with as little as 1 drop three times a day and move all the way up to 1 dropper full if so desired.  Once you have effectively reduced or cure the issue you can take 1 drop a day, twice a day to maintain your health.

According to some research the higher the level of CBD the better.  This means higher than 25% or 250 mg.  For children a 25% ratio is perfect.  For adults that percentage increases to 45-85%. On a pain scale of 1-10, think of the percentage you need as this:


1-3 Mild muscle pain, slight headache or just uncomfortable

4-6 Pulled muscles, back pain, after surgery pain, agitated, anxiety, arthritis

7-10 Broken bones, Ruptured disks, extreme pain


1-3 25% or less CBD

4-6 45% to 53% CBD

7-10 85% CBD



 How you take your CBD is as important as the percentage of CBD you take.

How CBD is absorbed depends on how it is consumed.  For example, if you had IBS (irritable Bowel Syndrome) you would ingest it versus rubbing it on your stomach for best results.

If CBD oil is held under the tongue for 60-90 seconds before swallowing, the mucus membranes in the mouth can absorb the compounds. This method allows the CBD to be absorbed, rather than having the digestive system and liver break down the compounds by enzymes and not allowing all of the CBD to reach the bloodstream.  If you ingest the CBD, meaning you add it to something you eat or drink, absorption falls to 20%. You are only getting 20% of the percentage you are ingesting. However, that being said it has been discovered that if you take your CBD with a high fat meal, you increase the amount of CBD you absorb.


If you use your CBD salve, or roll-on you simply need to use it more than once.  Studies have found that depending on the thickness of your skin it may take an additional ‘slathering’ to reach the pain receptors and help reduce the pain in the area of concern.  So, if you don’t feel much in the first application, do it again.

Side Effects:

 There have been some side effects, they include nausea, headaches, heart pain, fatigue and irritability.  If you are taking medications such as Coumadin it can increase the level of blood thinner in your body.  It can raise certain other medication levels in your blood as well. As with all medication please consult your doctor before beginning a regiment of CBD. 

These statements have not been approved by the FDA.  This information is not designed to treat, cure, or diagnose any disease or illness. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions. 






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