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Writer's pictureTami

A Year in Review

Its been over a year since we last sat down and chatted...A lot has happened in that year and we are at the door step to another. For us here at NADM, its been busy. We have an amazing Amazon buyer who is keeping us busy, and we have a host of followers on the website and our other outlets that are finding our products helpful and beneficial. To you all...we are Humbled and Grateful for your patronage. We are always trying to make new products that everyone will like...that can be difficult in a lot of respects but we keep moving forward...ever forward.

We've purchased a piece of property to begin a new leg of our business...farming. Now when I say Farming, I mean, yes, definitely raising animals for food and a garden as well, but it also means raising herbs and other plants that we use a lot of or just can't seem to get. Some of the plants we will be raising are on the endangered species list of botanicals. For instance, False Unicorn....I need it, but can't get it. I can get plants, but not the dried herb. It's a tricky one but I think I can manage its needs in a green house. Actually there is a whole list of plants that we intend on propagating...ever moving forward.

On a sad note, we lost our beloved mascot, April May...she passed in July and is resting peacefully under a huge stone that, when I saw it initially, I knew this was where I would be putting her. She is currently overlooking a part of the orchard. I think she likes it there. She passed to renal failure...something I will be dealing with in some of the new dog products we'll be making. And maybe even in the month of July offer free products in her name. Time will tell. We do have her protégé, Moose, who will be moving into April's absent mascot duties in time. He's 3 yrs old now and a bit of a loose canon when it comes to listening whilst in the woods looking for product. I need him to learn to stay close and warn of danger, but that comes with more outings and training.

We did a lot of shows last year, some good but mostly all very slow. The pandemic has really effected the way people interact these days. I find that very sad, especially since I sell healing products. Even things that cure things like that...but you're not allowed to say that. The FDA won't allow that. So I simply take my opinion to the masses and try to educate people when and where I can.

I'm not sure I will do as many shows in 2022...I will have so much going on with other things. I do hope to catch some bigger events though. I'd love to go to an Outdoor Expo, or a Home and Garden show...even the rock shows in Arizona would be a blast. They are all very expensive, but man would they be fun! There's also the American Quarter Horse Finals...the event lasts a Month...a WHOLE MONTH!!!. I would love to do that one as well. We shall see...the year hasn't yet begun.

We closed our shop we had in Libby and moved it to our property in Troy. It's nice to be able to do things here, but I also find that it can get more distracting here also. So many other things needing to be done, you find yourself working more at night than in the day time when you should be working. I think in this first year things are always a bit scattered and therefore i think next Spring we can get back to a routine and get things done during the day instead of taking up our night time relaxation time to work. I don't mind either way, I enjoy what I do, day or night.

Well, I hit the highlights. I have so much I want to do in this New Year that I think I better make a list and set some goals. I hope to make things more fun and more educational all the way around. I have been saying for 2 years now that I need to do videos, well this year I am doing videos. It makes no sense to put it off any further.

Well, I could go on with some of the minor things, but I didn't want this to be too long. So...I hope you enjoy the New Year as well and that any goals you set pan out. I love feed back, so if you're looking around or you've tried something, please feel free to contact me and let me know what you think. I can't make it better if no one tells me they have an issue with something. Or that they love it and don't want anything to change; those are always the best. No matter what the opinion, I'd love to here from you.

Happy New Year and again we couldn't have done this with out you all!! Blessings!!

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